Gravity Software Blog

Cloud financials for growing businesses

Written by Valerie Silvani | Jan 30, 2017 12:00:00 AM

If you’re part of the rapidly growing business world, then you’re no stranger to operating and yes, competing at an accelerated pace. Everything from meeting and exceeding customer demand and expectations to meeting your business demands, including, but not limited to basic operations and regular reporting, all seems to move at an increasingly fast-paced, breakneck speed. If you’re struggling to keep up, you’re not alone. If you’re falling behind, then it’s time for a change.

Before we jump to any conclusions, let’s assume a few things: you have the sharpest and most dedicated staff anywhere, and your product or service is second to none. If that’s the case, what’s left? Maybe there’s something in your operational setup that needs adjustment, or an overhaul. Let’s apply an objective test to that good ole entry level accounting software that’s been chugging along all these years.

Gravity Software: The next step accounting solution for growing SMBs

Stop and regroup if any of the following sound familiar…

  • Your product or service is in high demand, but you’re struggling to keep up.

  • You’re having regular difficulty maintaining and updating customer (new and existing) information.

  • Are you wasting time logging in and out of databases?

  • Because of your growing business (more customers, more orders, sales, etc.), your staff is even more stretched and you’re spending too much time producing reports, invoices, payments and other crucial items.

  • Reporting (weekly, monthly, quarterly, even annually) is difficult at best, and often unreliable due to gross inaccuracies or lack of timeliness.

If any of the above described your business in whole or in part, it’s time for an accounting solution overhaul.

Cloud accounting alternative

You’ll find your answers in the cloud by implementing an accounting solution that can consolidate all your data, making it easy to find and extract even the smallest bit of information. Let me introduce you to Gravity Software® (Gravity). Gravity provides an efficient, intuitive accounting solution that changes your business from a manual, daily grind to a streamlined, automated operation.

Built on the Microsoft Power Platform (aka Dynamics 365 CRM), a single platform that makes knowledge transparent throughout your organization. SMBs can utilize Gravity’s Advanced Financial Statements to track, measure and enhance their businesses overall profitability within hours.  Gravity’s accounting features include:

So, when your business starts to grow, consider Gravity Software. Gravity’s goal is to fill the gap between entry level accounting software like QuickBooks and expensive enterprise applications. Think of the true savings in time, money and headaches, with only one efficient database to manage, instead of several databases to juggle. Learn more and schedule your online demo today. My business is connected. Is yours?

Gravity Software

Better. Smarter. Accounting.